Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Women are disposable assets

Using the Burn it down video BettyJean Kling shows you why women need to join her and other women to stop the slaughter of our daughters.
Have they so brainwashed us from birth that girls are inferior that even we believe that collectively we ARE less valuable and therefore disposable? Below I want to share what can happen to your daughters because we do not stand up for our daughters- because we do not have laws that demand respect for females from birth to death. Because we do not forbid degradation of females in every way shape and form. It should and must be illegal. First hear my rage – then see what you are allowing – then promise me you will immediately begin to boycott the products and help me pass laws to stop this- Will you join me or will you help them murder more women?
Comments and volunteers needed Now


Anonymous said...

Betty Jean you seem to be missing the point,it is the woman's fault 90% of the time.The reason I say this is why do these women give any man a 2nd 3rd 4th or 5th chance ?????????.A rabid animal does not get a second chance.So you must get women to stop letting these men back into their lives,because once they know the fear is there,they like any bully get more and more embolden,and the threats get worse,and the abuse gets even more worst.This can not be allowed to progress to the point it has with your daughters.

FreeMeNow said...

Darrell- women who allow men back after the first time have been so beateen down already by their fathers - the media - the sociewty and the boys in their classrooms all through their lives that they are conditioned to feel inferior and have been taught that they probably either deserve what happened - or they asked for it or that no one will help them.
In addition - their vows tell them to sstay - their religion tells them to submit- and they laws gives them no protection.
add that all up and put it together with the comment you made and you can see - it all gets laid on them- blame the victim.
Your first line said it's the woman's fault 90% of the time.
You are the one missing the damned point- let me set you very damned straight- it is the fault of the son of a bitch who raises their damned hands to another person . That is whose fault it is - DO YOU GET THAT? YOU NEVER EVER EVER BLAME A VICTIM FOR GETTING HIT- THE HITTER IS AT FAULT FOR HITTING !

By the way- My louisa's brains on the living room wall - whose fault is that- huh- It's georges fault Darrell - he pulled the trigger no one else did- so stop blaming the victim and you are just another idiot for doing so!