Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Study: Many Obama Small Donors Really Weren’t

-Study: Many Obama Small Donors Really Weren’t
By Michael Luo

A new analysis of President-elect Barack Obama’s campaign fund-raising punctures one of the most enduring pieces of conventional wisdom from his presidential run — that small donors powered his record-breaking money machine.

The study, released today by the Campaign Finance Institute, a non-partisan group, goes deeper than previous analyses of Mr. Obama’s fund-raising in examining donors who made discrete contributions of $200 or less, and found many of them donated repeatedly to exceed that amount.

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Anonymous said...

So, what else is new?

Anonymous said...

Fraud, Fruad, and Fruad bring him to this point.
