Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Are we having fun yet Hillarcrat’s?

Another rant by: BettyJean Kling

Ok- I am blowing my top and God only knows what my fingertips may come up with this time- all I know is I have just about had it with this nonsense! I have only one two part question concerning when enough is enough!

The TV - the papers - the radio - still blaming Hillary - poor Obama - I am sick of it and we want her in his cabinet? Why so he can beat her up till they all get tired of it - or find another women they like beating up better?

It is obvious that the Dem Party, Obama, the Obots and the media will never tire of using Hillary as their favorite whipping post so my question is when will she tire of taking it and when will we tire of idolizing her for standing there and accepting it?

If you are tired Hill taking the fall and smiling about it all tell me here?


Alessandro Machi said...

I think Hillary should stay in Congress and be the link between the democratic monopoly and the Republican Minority. It is the ideal place for Hillary Clinton.

Plus, Bill Clinton won't have to reveal his funding sources so that Soros and company can swoop in and steal them for Barack's 2012 run.

Anonymous said...

Since this seems to be the game of the week, I would like to see it confirmed that he has asked her to be SOS and she turns him down. I see no reason for her to give him any legitimacy. Obama supporters continue to demean her, the MSM keeps referencing a Lincoln style cabinet giving Obama credit for his mastery, and some Hillary supporters see this as a feather in her cap. Nothing could be further from the truth. She does not need his stamp of approval. She is far and above Obama in intellect and ability and should keep her senate seat. Regardless of the opinions of her detractors, Hillary is the most respected of senators on both sides of the aisle and even being low in the senate pecking order has immense respect and support in Congress and the world at large. She does not need Obama, he needs her.

Anonymous said...

He needs her is exactly why he has made the offer. I think this has been in the works all along. IMO the whole thing was concocted back in June after the primary fiasco. Obomoron has something on the Clintons (Bill most likely) and the Clintons have something on Obomoron, likely something about his birth or criminal involvement. Like I said, its my opinion. This whole destructive election cycle is a repeat of the GWB campaigns in 2000 and 2004, but then the Republicans demoralized the Democrats. This year the Democrats demoralized the Democrats. Seems so frigging much like a scarey movie starring a cast of non-thinking Obots and the house of corruptive DEMS. I don't know, but it seems to me that Hillary decided, if you can't beat 'em (doing it the right way), then join 'em and begin using their tactics to get what she wants done as a Democrat. Look at all the Clinton people being "installed." Maybe she did win after all. But to do so she had to diss the 18,000,000. It's so damn frustrating.

Anonymous said...

I also think that the corrupted Democratic party is using Hillary. I had hoped that she would not accept the SOS position. Unfortunately, by the end of the week it appeared that she fell into a trap.

This Man (Obama) would not be in this position if Hillary did not help him win Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and others. I am very disappointed in Hillary.

It will be a four-long year for me.

Anonymous said...

I think this move is the worst thing Hillary can make. I beieve this will end her political career. She should stay in the Senate. I agree with Anonymous about the msm and the Lincoln references. Lincoln was a much smarter man than Obama!Definately not a feather in her cap. Obama has her where he wants her! That's just one womans opinion!