Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You Don't Want to Miss This ~ so FUNNY

-Remember the Golden Girls? I can't believe they turned Granny into John McCain but its hilarious

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Anonymous said...

Apparently I do not have a sense of humor. On this day, I find I again do not have a president as I have not had a president for the last 8 years and this just continues. I have no idea what is in the minds of the american people. Apparently they really have no minds. Women especially who voted for Obama have holes in their heads. But like trying to fathom women who stay with husbands who demean and enslave them, I suppose we have to give up trying to understand these Obama voters. I find it difficult to forgive Hillary Clinton's support of this arrogant, racist man. I so truly believed in her. Just let us get through the next 4 years. I have no doubt that there will be much buyers remorse.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I didn't find anything in this to be funny - I have just decided that I'm done for now - just burnt out - I have no more faith in Hillary Clinton - she spoke a lot of 'just words' also & evidently didn't mean any of them - this whole election process is a game & we, the american people, are just pawns in the process.......... I am throwing my Hillary stuff in the garbage - not worth giving to GoodWill - I will never ever vote for another Democrat or Republican again - my vote doesn't count so will use it as a write in or for any flake that comes along - I hope everyone who voted for the arrogant piece of shit excuse for a human being truly gets what they wished for...& remember the old adage - watch what you wish for...........

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree with the other two! Obviously DEMS did not MOVE ON in the right direction? And after Campaigning for Hillary for 18 months I would not believe a word that comes out of her mouth now, or Bill for that matter. And that is devastating to me, as I defended him and his policies for EIGHT LONG years! But having REALLY seen both sides now, I can see how his policies DID get us where we are especially with NAFTA and other hand out programs they came up with. And as far as a universal health care? As screwed up and crooked as the DEMS are can you imagine letting THEM decide on your health care or handle it? All I can say after this election is I have MORE doubts than ever. Cheryl , Maryland

Anonymous said...

Wow! a whole lot of deflated, defeated words here.

I completely get where all you are coming from and share in your grief, rage and resignation. It's all over here too.

It sucks.

I hear that Chris Matthews will continue to advocate for Obama's leadership ~ which sounds like Chris Matthews will be running this country like the wizard of oz.