Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ladies Night on BlogTalkRadio

Ladies Night on BlogTalkRadio

Remember Monday Night is Ladies Night on BlogTalkRadio

Please take a moment right now and visit each of the links below and add them as a favorite which will set a reminder. You can listen while you do your email or blog with other listeners.

We cannot let what happened during this year’s election cycle—rampant sexism and misogyny—continue or ever happen again. I fear women might stop running for the highest offices. Why wouldn’t they stop trying? It’s dangerous and devastating for our daughters to see. Join us as we go straight at all that is wrong with the way women were treated by our party, our media, our opponents, and other women.

In all my sixty years, I have not seen such malice leveled against mass murderers or child abusers let alone any political candidates. Nor have I ever seen such an astounding lack of concern by a country who boasts to be a world leader on human rights. Where is the outrage?

I demand—yes, I demand!—that we stand up and put an end to this right now. Some of us will be taking to the airwaves Monday night, and we’ll be inviting you to call in and drive our popularity up so that we’ll have the listenership to be taken seriously. We are going to collect your stories. We are going to put them in a book, which we’ve entitled The Mavericks of 2008, and put an end to the fight that started 160 years ago. What our mother’s mothers started, we must finish! Join us! Help us to be all that we can be or at least stop preventing us from making this a country where your daughters and grand daughters can be all that they ought to be and find no glass ceiling to contend with at all.

Just in case you think we don’t need WOMAN’S RADIO Think Again!

FreeUsNowMavericks Radio Mondays at 8pm est.
Call-in Number: (347) 838-8011

FreeUsNowMavericks Radio Mondays 8pm est Call-in Number: (347) 838-8011
Dr. Lynette Long: Sins of Omission Mondays 9 pm est.
Call-in Number: (347) 677-0792

The New Agenda Chewing the fat with Ophelia Mondays 10 pm est
Call-in Number: (347) 324-5942

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