Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Woman is the Nigger of the World

John Lennon Lyrics - 1970’s (?) Woman is the Nigger of the World Lyrics

Another rant by: Bettyjean Kling

Tears were shed in the streets, throngs celebrating in Times Square could be heard from 1st. Ave., the media was in a frenzy, Obots were in heaven, black leaders were lined up to tell us how proud they finally were of America (Michelle was thinking it to herself no doubt) and headlines read “History” was made on Nov. 4th 2008 in America because a black was elected to the White House. I was in tears too but I scratched my head and asked what the hell is so historic about placing yet another man in office?

Hold your celebrations folks. We are not there yet- history was not made - we did overcome- Martin Luther King’s dream was not realized. Wasn’t it King who said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”? Weren’t some of those little children daughters? So now all of a sudden skin color became the factor that everyone is judging how we make history? Was it because his face was black and for a short blip in history blacks were kept as slaves? Or maybe you would say we are celebrating a black man reminds us of slavery and somehow this partially black man with no slave background transcends that dark part of our history- well well that may be quite a stretch but we are still not there yet!

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Anonymous said...

Geesh!! Anti-male sexist much?

That this long after your so-called candidate (presuming we're still talking Clinton and not Palin) lost, and lost BIG in the primary you are still whining, wringing your hands and moaning hugely betrays your feelings of female privilege.

Clinton LOST LOST LOST by all rules agreed to by all parties before the contest ever began to the better candidate. Just because she has an "innie" instead of an "outie" does not qualify her to be selected over the one rightfully elected.

This election WAS historic. For the record, it also would have been historic, although tragic had it been won by Clinton or McCain (due to Palin).

If you honestly believe women are so "oppressed," you need to read some unbiased authors like Hoff-Sommers or Farrell.

- Battered women have advocates and shelters in every large US city. Battered men have one shelter in California and one help line in Maine.

- Women in divorce get custody almost 100% of the time they ask for it. Men get to "visit" their children and pay backdoor alimony aka child support.

- The second a man is (falsely or not) accused of rape, his name is plastered throughout the media. Should the allegation prove false, she is almost never publicly identified.

- Women criminals who murder their children get counseling and probation. Men criminals who murder their children get prison or death.

- Women homeless get shelters and vouchers. Men homeless get a newspaper and an underpass.

- Girls who get statutorially raped by men get a "victim" label and their abuser prosecuted. Boys who get staturorially raped by women get a "lucky #$#$" label and their abuser returned to their community.

- Men make up 99% of on-the-job fatalities -- to pay money to court, and sometimes directly to, women who work comfy inside jobs or often not at all.

- In a committed relationship, women get the choice to work full time, work part time or stay at home. Men get the non-choice: work full time.

- It is recognized as racism that blacks die years younger than whites but not as sexism that men die years younger than women.

It just goes on and on, once you open your eyes to it. By refusing to acknowledge it, you only perpetuate it.

FreeMeNow said...

Geesh!! Anti-female sexist much?

BettyJean Kling and not ashamed to sign my name

Anonymous said...

So telling the truth is sexist now?

Unknown said...

'anonymous' is definitely a MAN!!!!I won't even address the sexist BS...I do know one thing...had Hillary bussed students into caucuses, intimidated Obama voters, and fraudulently stolen those so called 'wins'...she would have been drummed right out of the race, long before the primaries were over!!!

Anonymous said...

"'anonymous' is definitely a MAN!!!!"

That you consider that an insult shows your anti-male sexism.

"I won't even address the sexist BS."

So you admit you have no argument against the facts I presented and would rather just call them something they are not. I'll accept your surrender, then.

"I do know one thing."

That's one more than I'd have given you credit for (-; !

"had Hillary bussed students into caucuses, intimidated Obama voters, and fraudulently stolen those so called 'wins'...she would have been drummed right out of the race, long before the primaries were over!!!"

We'll never known. In the real world, however, there is no credible evidence of voter intimidation of "fraud" -- both played by the rules both had agreed to before the contest ever began. Only the Clinton side wanted to change the rules AFTER they wouldn't SELECT the LOSER candidate they couldn't ELECT. Bussing voters to the polls is fully legal if they are legally entitled to vote.

I honestly believe it sucks to have your candidate lose. I'd be very upset now had Clinton won and saddened, though not as much, had McCain. However, reality is she LOST and you are impotent to change that.

Get over it, sweetie....