Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

ABC Misrepresents Palin Quote in ‘Holy War’ Question

-Millions of TV viewers who watched ABC News’ interview with Sarah Palin Thursday night never saw her take issue with a key question in which she was asked if she believes that the U.S. military effort in Iraq is “a task that is from God.”

The exchange between Palin and ABC’s Charlie Gibson, in which she questioned the accuracy of the quote attributed to her, was edited out of the television broadcast but included in official, unedited transcripts posted on ABC’s Web site, as well as in video posted on the Internet.

But in the version shown on television, a video clip of her original statement was inserted in place of her objection, giving a different impression of how Palin views the Iraq war.

In the interview, Gibson asked Palin: “You said recently in your old church, ‘Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.’ Are we fighting a Holy War?”

Palin’s response, which appears... click here to read more

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somebody should write to ABC or get help from Fox News to tell people the truth. Perhaps, Greta can help.

All of them (the media--except Fox News) are trying very hard to destroy Sarah Palin. Charlie acted like he was talking to a school girl. He looked so arrogant. This is the way they treat a "strong" woman. However, I think that Sarah did very well on her first solo interview and I hope she will beat them up in the future.