by Noami Klein
Though Naomi Klein is on the left her thesis touches the Truth. That special interests will use these crises to push through drastic changes which will usurp our People power, transfer wealth to themselves from our pockets and leave the nation weaker all the time.
As we are watching, the Dems are the culprits of the policy, the Repubs are the culprits of the governing regulating agencies, and the greedy will walk. But things will be changed. And that is the goal for all these ruling elite groups. They sneak through the fine print which alters our lives for decades and robs us for generations with each Shock to the System. By the time we get the information we will be trying to change what no longer exists. This is the power shell game they play with us. The Shock Doctrine tells the story
Read enough of this to understand that both parties are going to use this crisis for their own goals, while escaping responsibility.
Only John McCain and Sarah Palin will give us some hope of systemic reform to clean out all this corruption.
I bet the republicans and rich people love you guys! or are you republicans?
let's deregulate wall st!
We will all be dead by the time you reach this alleged goal. Please delete this site. I ADORE Hillary and felt she should have won---but killing us all with Palin and McCain before Hillary has her next chance, is ludicrous. Don't do this. Don't be a contributing factor to the horrors we will continue to face if McCain wins. Even Hillary said GO FOR OBAMA, so I will. ANY vote not for Obama is an invisible vote for McCain. Don't do this.
"killing us wih Palin and McCain"
Oh please can you get more dramatic than that? A vote for Obama would destroy our country.
Obama has a lust for control,he is all that is bad and will harm A,erica's principles and values.Hillary wants him to lose,Bill is out there passing subliminal messages to her supporters by complimenting McCain every chance he gets, Hillary will run in 2012,mostlikely against Sarah .2016 she will be too old,with McCain he is going to be one term President in spite of what he says.
I was a strong supporterfor Hillary, but I will not give my vote to Obama becasue Hillary is now backing him.
Obama is just not qualified for this job. He is a weak candidate. He will say anyhthing that his advisors tell him to. In my opinion, he is very arrogant. He is for himself, not for the country.
Anonymous said...
"killing us wih Palin and McCain"
Haven't you been listening to the Clinton's? They are voting for McCain! Just like me I will be voting for McCain!
We need to get out and help McCain win this make calls, hand out flyers do what we can to help!
make calls now!
Oh crap here we go again with this anonymous s--t,you Obamazombies have a site that es-pews your messiah's garbage rhetoric so go back and tell it on the mound and don't forget to kneel when the Obamination appears from upon the highest pile of crap.There is nothing that can or will change your minds about your god like worship of Obamination.This man has lied on the record,and then lied on the record that he didn't say that.He has associated with all the low life's of Chicago that you can imagine,a racist church,racist wife,admitted being a Muslim on ABC TV Interview.
Called us that are white typical white people,speaks down to black people,says we turn to god and guns,when we are the cause of our own troubles.Has back slide on every issue he campaigned on,NOT TO MENTION HAVING THE DNC HELP HIM STEAL THE ELECTION OUT FROM UNDER HILLARY CLINTON ON TV NO LESS,and you still kneel,worship,and drink in all his lies.
Darrell Reed
I agree, the Obama worshipers get themselves on EVERY site just plain LYING about who they are and What their agenda is! We ALL know who you are, so just go worship on Obama's site.
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