Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Monday, September 22, 2008

We know what we’ve got, but not what we’ll get!

We know what we’ve got, but not what we’ll get!

Another Rant by BettyJean Kling

As Democrats we have been told a million reasons why we can not vote Republican and we all hate George Bush – I know. But JMCC is so many steps up from Bush and Obama is so many steps down. We do not have a Democrat to vote for this year – we have a Republican and a do nothing Congress and their hand picked Obamacrat. This is a no brainer – pick the Republican at least we know what we’ve got in McCain.

We may not always agree with McCain – I don’t -- but I know where he stands and I know he would and has laid down his life for his country. He has gone up against his own party , he has stood up to his president , he has risked his life and his job for his principles and has always looked out for what he thought right or wrong was the right thing to do for the country. He has listened and changed his mind on issued that the people urged him to represent the people on. He chose a women maverick VP against all odds.

As for Obama, if the way he gamed the caucus’s is any indication of how he would run the country – no thanks, if how he and his campaign treats non Obamabots is any indication of how he treats American Citizens who are not his Obots is any indication – no thanks. If the way he gives speeches by teleprompter but can’t answer a question on the fly any indication of his readiness – I’ll pass. If the way they treat women is the change they are proposing – no way. If he couldn’t beat Hillary fair and square and then did not even consider her for VP – what does that tell you about his insecurity and common sense? If lying, cheating, stealing and having the entire democratic system brought to its knees on May 31 wasn’t enough, pulling the roll call fiasco in Denver shows this has become the Undemocratic Party and does not deserve our precious vote.

And finally, Obama has pulled the race card and blamed it on the Clintons. He has the media in his pocket and they have displayed blatant sexism toward Hillary and now Sarah. This obvious and hateful sexism amounts to nothing less than a woman’s rights, civil rights and human rights violation to which the Democratic Party, and the women’s groups and the civil right s groups did nothing. The Republican Party and John Mc Cain, to their credit, specifically except for one early lapse in judgment stood up against the ridicule of Hillary and does not tolerate any sexism against Sarah. This is not Bush this is John McCain and this Obama well who is this Obama?

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow....Betty has said it all...There's no way that I will vote for someone that I do not like..nor, do I trust him...Obama's "smooth-talking" ways has reached it's peak and has gone by the wayside...JMCC all the way!!

Anonymous said...

McCain all the way!