Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pelosi Has High Standards for POTUS ?

- Are you hearing what I'm hearing? This is an interview with Pelosi has a problem with Palin's inexperience? Whew! When she spoke of Obama's inexperience, she called that "fresh". WTF?

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Anonymous said...

She is saying this with a straight face which goes to prove what a capable liar she is. As speaker, she was to remain neutral and said she was while pushing for the nomination of Obama. High standards for president? She has backed a person who is the least qualified in my generation. Nancy Pelosi needs to be removed as speaker. She is a disgrace to all women.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi has no idea what experience is because she has gotten a position she was not qualified for,so she believes all woman don't have the proper experience now.It's time to support Pelosi rival in the coming election.

moblou said...

Americans, please think about what you are doing when trying to replace Bush with Obama. From all the information I have been able to discern, Obama's entire campaign is based on a lie, as is his entire life story. Wake up America, this man is a fraud and may be out to destroy America's entire way of life. This is what will happen if George Soros, his main campaign contributor and organizer, has his way. For the whole truth, check out George Soros on the web. Be afraid, America, be very afraid of Obama!!!

I am a politically active concerned citizen of America and I am doing everything now, that I can to back McCain/Palin 08 for Hillary vs. Palin in 2012. I believe it is of paramount importance this year to get the facts on the candidates before voting. Our country faces the most serious times in history. We all can and must make a difference this year. Vote McCain/Palin in 08to promote America to its full level of greatness at home and abroad.

moblou said...

Americans, please think about what you are doing when trying to replace Bush with Obama. From all the information I have been able to discern, Obama's entire campaign is based on a lie, as is his entire life story. Wake up America, this man is a fraud and may be out to destroy America's entire way of life. This is what will happen if George Soros, his main campaign contributor and organizer, has his way. For the whole truth, check out George Soros on the web. Be afraid, America, be very afraid of Obama!!!

I am a politically active concerned citizen of America and I am doing everything now, that I can to back McCain/Palin 08 for Hillary vs. Palin in 2012. I believe it is of paramount importance this year to get the facts on the candidates before voting. Our country faces the most serious times in history. We all can and must make a difference this year. Vote McCain/Palin in 08 to promote America to its full level of greatness at home and abroad.

Anonymous said...

Nancy, it's the "glass" ceiling not "marble" ceiling. Goes to show how smart she is!!!!