Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Democracy In Suffrage

For Immediate Release

Contact: Ms.Je'Amour P. Matthew
822 Spring St.
North Braddock, PA 15104
412 351-6764

Democratic group gathers to say No to Obama!

Supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton, from across the country, will hold a press conference to announce the Kick Off to their Nation Wide Pre Election initiative to defeat Senator Obama.
The press conference will be held on Friday, September 26th at the Capital Rotunda located in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and will promptly begin at 11 a.m.

Democracy In Suffrage, a newly formed non profit political action group, will be hosting this event, and its founder Ms. Je’Amour P. Matthew states that “not only will this press conference launch Democracy In Suffrage’s first political action but she is hoping that other’s who supported Hillary will now find there voice, and declare their support for the initiative to defeat Senator Obama by holding similar pre-election press conference’s across the country.

Lynn Forester Rothschild; a top fund raiser of Democratic Party, and a member of Democrats Abroad, has announced the support of Senator John McCain. She is not alone in her conclusion to Not support Obama, and Ms. Matthew, and other’s believe that the stakes, in the upcoming presidential election are just too high for those who oppose Obama to sit back, and do nothing. Unlike any other time in the nation’s history our country needs experience, and by Obama Not having Hillary on the ticket as his Vice President, or better yet by not simply doing the right thing for God and Country, by instead becoming Hillary’s Vice President Obama has proved that he places self interest and personal success above the real need, and prosperity of this great nation therefore, he simply must be stopped!

Representative's from various states such as: Ohio, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, will be on hand during the press conference and will carry Democracy in Suffrage’s initiative back to the respective states where they will continue to work for its success on Election Day.

* Please help make this a success- we must show up for these events- we must or we will never be taken seriously again and we will loose all credibility! It is from lack of participation that things got this bad- we done good this year so far - please don't let up now- we have come this far- don't give up - don't give out- dont give in!
If not now, when? - If not us, who? If not, why not?


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1 comment:

sandipuma said...

Wish i could be there with you all. Great job. As a staunch Hillary supporter i have also crossed over the Mccain/Palin and will work hard to keep Obama out.Keep up the good work.