Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

People of Color PUMA Group

POC PUMA is a group that is comprised of people of diverse racial and ethnic heritages -- people of color. We are comprised of Chinese, Native Americans, Latinos, African-Americans, and Asian Indians, just to name a few members of our rainbow.

A recent poll of our members indicated that 87 percent of us plan to vote for John McCain. We certainly are NObama! To ensure that Barack Obama does not win the presidency, we are partnering with Citizens For McCain to make calls to Democrats in Pennsylvania. Recent polls indicated a statistical dead heat there.

POC PUMA needs 25 people for this virtual phone bank (make calls from your home), please send your full name and phone number to pocpuma@aol.com to join our kick-off web meeting and conference call on Sat, Sep. 27th, 8am-9am Pacific Time. The first 25 people will receive web meeting and conference call information (first come, first serve basis).

And by the way, POC PUMA members also have internet radio shows (see below) that are exicting and informative.

My Two Cents...
When: Every night
Time: 11pm to 1am ET (2 hours)
Host: Matt
Internet Link: www.blogtalkradio.com/My-Two-Cents
Call-in number: 347-202-0443

Let's Get Real With Reuben Torres...
When: Tuesdays
Time: 9pm to 10pm ET (1 hour)
Host: Reuben Torres
Internet Link: www.blogtalkradio.com/LETSGETREALWITHREUBENTORRES
Call-in number: 347-202-0443

POC PUMA Speaks...
When: Wednesdays (starts on Oct 1st)
Time: 11:30pm to 12:30am ET (1 hour)
Internet Link: www.blogtalkradio.com/POCPUMA
Call-in number: 347-308-8126

Our View With Pasty & Sugar...
When: Thursdays
Time: 9pm to 10pm ET (1 hour)
Host: Patsy & Sugar
Internet Link: blogtalkradio.com/nqr/ (once on site, scroll down for Patsy & Sugar show)
Call-in number: 347-677-0792

Click Here To Subscribe To The Blog


Anonymous said...

Watch, Mccain will win the election because of you guys. Then he'll die in office.

Palin will take over... then a bunch of evangelicals will go nuts and she'll run in 2012 and win...

or is that what you all want to happen?

Anonymous said...

This is to the one saying McCain will die and we will all be in the horrible hands of an evangelical? How completely STUPID!! This is why we are in such a mess today. People who have NO clue about a certain faction of people and then become DESPERATE when they talk about them? I am very definitely a Roe v Wade person. Women should ALWAYS have the choice over their own bodies! Having said that our society as it stands today could use ALL of what Christians have to offer it! We ARE in America which means we have freedom of religion, but having leaders who are tempered by SOME religious belief that people ALL people have a worth and make decisions based on that worth will not be the END of this Country, or the worst that we could have happen in this County, believe that. If we believed as you believe then we could say that if Obama wins we would have someone in the White House who hates all white people...just like Rev Wright? Everything in life, thank GOD is NOT black and white. I am strongly for McCain, I believe he HAD the experience, and the wisdom to lead the Country, but you bet there are also things about him that could be better, none of us are perfect.

Anonymous said...

I am also for McCain/Palin 2008 becasue this team is better for the country than the selected Obama team.

Country first!
God help us!