Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dems stoop to new Lows

Democrats Stoop to New Lows !
September 28, 2008
Another Rant by: Bettyjean Kling

I guess Obama intends to win this by any means possible and he appears to have the help of the entire Democrat Party- unless that is - we stop them! Where are the Carter folks now? They have been overseeing elections in third world countries haven’t we degraded enough to warrant their attention? I believe we’re there now!

Jimmy get off your ass and do something! We have voter fraud going on right here in the USA dear man.

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Rockin Robin said...

Go BettyJean !

Anonymous said...

Bettyjean I'm afraid your calling on the wrong party to do something,as jimmy is a supporter of Obamination also he sure as day won't be looking for discrepancies in voting practices by the Obama campaign.America is screwed unless we can do this ourselves and try to get people to see the real Obama as he is.
The Republican party must get there base out and very soon.I feel John McCain lost the first debate only because he let Obama handle him,and the poles how in the world do they change minute by minute,how can someone be for McCain now and Obama an hour later?Of course the MEDIA only poles where Obama is strong.


Anonymous said...

What can WE do to get these NUTS out of CONGRESS??? Starting with Pelosi, Reid, and Frank! I do not know which one is the MOST GREEDY. Between the three of them it is nothing more than romper room with OUR money! All of US NEED to do whatever it takes. Now we hear that the Community organizer Obama was the major one behind ACORN. A community organization that literally threatened banks, and mortages companies to loan money to minorities or they would be SUED! Do you know how afraid business are of being SUED! Just the hint that they would be sued for discrimination and they would do whatever it took to GIVE money to those who should have NEVER had a loan and certainly could NEVER pay it back!! Just like all of the other GIVE AWAY PROGRAMS Obama and his thieves want to continue with and start MORE! Our economy has been based on WORKING PEOPLE! People paying taxes, putting into their 401K's, paying Social Security, and when there are MILLIONS getting HANDED social security and hand outs that eat up all of our tax dollars and THEY never work to put any of it back, we get EXACTLY what we have! HE and this do nothing, give away Congress has to go and go now. Unless of course we all just want to keep working for all of those who NEVER WILL. Cheryl from Maryland