Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lynn Forester De Rothschild on CNN

- You Got to Love it! Lynn Forester De Rothschild speaks for me on this issue. How about you?

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Anonymous said...

Lynn De Rothschild crossing party lines in this election said it better than I could, so I applaud her. Campbell Brown has been in Obama's pocket since the beginning and could not be fair in her questioning. Being closer on issues is not really the most important in this campaign. It is experience and integrity which is McCains strong suit and leaves Obama sorely lacking. So Campbell Brown trying to connect Obama and Hillary Clinton as polar opposites to Hillary and John McCain in a gottcha statement shows her partiality and stupidity. The experience and integrity win out as both Hillary and John McCain are intelligent enough to know that bipartisanship needs to win out. Do these people think that a president can change Washington. The democrats have the majority in congress and the executive branch must be of a differing party to assure checks and balances.

Rockin Robin said...

I agree. I loved how she kept cool about it and kept grounded in these interviews.

She can speak for me. Counry before party.

Anonymous said...

I was highly impressed with Lynn..she is a classy lady..I applaud her as well...I'm impressed by the people that are realizing that we need McCain instead of Obama...
Definitely...Country before party!!!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Ms. De Rothchild! She handled the wolverine Brown handily. I have stopped watching the MSM because of its unbridled bias--as routinely demonstrated by Campbell Brown, Chris Matthews and the like. Ms. Brown demonstrates daily how rude and contemptuous she is towards anyone challenging Obama. Hopefully, if enough of us complain, she too will be relieved of some of her duties (a la Oberman and Matthews vis a vis MSNBC)

Bravo, Lady Lynn for handling the odious Brown with firmness, grace and aplomb. As a Black American who will be voting for McCain, it is good to witness some reason in the face of the Obamamania. I never thought I would be voting Republican, but I see I am in good company.

PumaMartine in KY