Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

- by Darrell Reed

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

My goals,plans,and hopes is that I can convince everyone Obama is not the one to be POTUS.Folks don't even look at Obama's very bad choices of friends and mentors .And I know,and as you do there are many under his by now famous "BUS".

What I'm going to say will probably be mistaken for Obama's favorite line "YOUR RACIST" well I guess where this is concerned I am!But my question to everyone is this,"have you thought why Obama is so popular with white people".

Well I have,Barack Hussein Obama is what 99% of all white people want a black person to be.Now comes the racist part,99% of all black people walk,talk,and act jive ass gangsta.

And this is acceptable in the hood,or rap music,or dorky white boys who want to be cool,and black,but in the real world this looked down,and everyone who can read or write knows this is true.Not RACIST but fact and anyone who denies this is misleading and lying to them selves.

I have another question,why if whites support a black man for POTUS,why did the Rev.Jessie Jackson,Allen Keyes,Rev.Al Sharpton not win the nomination when they ran?Plus as far as I know Allen Keyes is running for POTUS now.These men are more qualified then Barack Hussein Obama ever thought about being,and where again was your support for them!!

Now the answer,as I said Barack Hussein Obama is what white people think a black should be,because when he is among whites his white half comes to the surface.He speaks like a white person,walks like a white person.But when among black people his black half comes to the surface,with his old black preacher manner of speaking.

Which is phoney "TO THE BONE", unlike the Rev,Jessie Jackson,Allen Keyes,and Rev.Al Sharpton who are "PROUD BLACK MEN" no matter where or who they are with! But if Obama gets to be POTUS everyone,except his rich friends,will get to see the underside of the "FAMOUS BUS" because if no one has noticed after you out live your usefulness to Barack Hussein Obama,you will end up with Wright,Rezko Ayers,Farrhkan and the rest of his friends.


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