Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mr. Plotz - Governor Palin is NOT Asking For it!

Mr. Plotz - Governor Palin is NOT Asking For it!

Yesterday, Slate Magazine, a Washington Post subsidiary, featured anillustration of Gov. Sarah Palin on the front page of its website in whichGov. Palin was wearing high heels, perched on a stool, with her breastspopping out of her skimpy dress and a bible squeezed tightly between herbare thighs. The accompanying article, entitled, “Sexy Puritans”, suggestedthat Gov. Palin was using “sexiness” to further her conservative Christianagenda. The author of the article, Tom Perrotta, used some lewd sexualimagery in support of his argument, implying Gov. Palin is by associationguilty of some vague sexual impropriety.

The aim of this tactic is to demean and discredit Gov. Palin, while implyingthat she is “asking for it.”

The New Agenda has written a letter to David Plotz, the editor of SlateMagazine, protesting the publication of this article and asking for ameeting to clarify our concerns. The letter is posted on our website:Letter From the New Agenda to Mr. David Plotz

Now members, we encourage you all to pitch in and join us. Please take amoment to send an email or call Slate in protest of the sleazy tactics theyare using to discredit Gov. Palin.

To contact editors in the New Yorkoffice, please call Noreen Malone at (212) 445-5330 or e-mailnyoffice@slate.com.

To contact editors in the D.C. office, please callChris Wilson at (202) 261-1310 or e-mail dcoffice@slate.com.

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Anonymous said...

Funny...I can't seem to find that picture! I wanted to show just how sexist some of the magazines/periodicals/websites can be towards Sarah Palin but I looked and I looked and I looked and guess what? No picture to be found. In fact, I couldn't even find the article...so if anyone can help me find the article and the picture...I'd sure appreciate it.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Helen your comment sounds like a disbelieving attitude instead of an inquiring mind.Whether you were able to find this is not the point, the point is this sexist attitude toward Hillary Clinton,and Sarah Palin.Hell I'm a man, and I believe they are both more qualified to be in politics than Obama.This is a job where you need some brain power and a desire to help the nation.
Sarah Palin went from a housewife to the governors mansion in less time than it took Obamination to lie and steal the elections he's been in.I would put 2.5 yrs. as governor of a state against 2.5 yrs.running for President any time any place.
But I hope someone can help you find what your looking for!