Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Feminist? You betcha!

A Feminist? You betcha!

Another Rant by: BettyJean Kling

Below see Governor Sarah Palin’s speech. I choose to believe she means what she says – why shouldn’t I? It is clear that this woman is her own person and she has made her own choices and she has climbed the ladder of success on her own merits. She was not cultivated as a politician – she owes no one any favors and she is one of us with all her differences – she is woman watch her roar.

And as my PumaPac friend Murphy wrote,

Yesterday, Sarah Palin made the most explicitly feminist political speech by ANYONE running for national office in the last 20 years. She said,
“Women of my generation were allowed finally to make more of our own choices with education, with career, and I have never forgotten that we owe that opportunity to women, to feminists who came before us,” Palin said. “The belief in equal opportunity is not just the cause of feminists, it’s the creed of our country — equal opportunity.”

As Democrats, we likely disagree with Sarah Palin on many things, not least of which are environmental protections and corporate reform. But as WOMEN, how can we not read these words and be inspired?

To read the speech and comment click here:

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Anonymous said...

I thought that was strange too. Hillary wasn't good enough for Barack Obama to even consider! And now Sarah Palin is getting it worse than Hillary...which I didn't think was possible.

And sad to say as a Hillary supporter the fact that Hillary herself doesn't come out and say something about the SEXISM and outright HATRED directed at Sarah Palin has caused me to lose a bit of respect for her!

Anonymous said...

anonymous (first post):

So you are admitting your support is based only on sexist, woman-firster, anti-male bigotry and not on the issues the candidate stands for?

Because we both know you can't get much closer to Clinton on the issues than Obama, nor much further than Palin.

Rockin Robin said...

so you admit your cornering someone on their right to vote however they want based on anything they want?