Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

You'll NEVER see this on CNN or MSNBC

- Gaddafi: Obama is a muslim

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Anonymous said...

This is proof the Islamic world wants Obama to win,so they will have an advantage in the white house.If one only knew how much money they(Muslims) have funneled into Obama's campaign in the millions would be my guess.


truthisgold said...

Think Billions and you'll be closer to the truth.

Anonymous said...

It is a very troublesome fact. The voting system are either bought or fraud. The movement of a specific group of people is so strong. I have been told to my face that I am racist because I do not support Mr. Obama.

I hope that McCain/Palin can turn thing a round within 2 weeks.

This morning, I read an article on CNN by Ed Rollins talking about some poor judgement of Collin Powell in the past. CNN did not keep his commemntary on line that long, suggesting how bias CNN is (which is not new).