Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah On Women’s Issues

Another Rant by Bettyjean Kling

Meet Sarah Palin - find out about her positions on women’s issues in her own words. This is a woman who has her made own choices, clearly demonsrates that all women should have the right to make any choice that is right for them. Sarah is not a threat to any women anywhere she is only s threat to someone is has absolutely no self confidence at all — man or woman! a threat to a party that has a weak candidate whose ruse sprung a leak and a threat to a candidacy that was selected not elected by the people.

This is the part of the interview CBS news did not bother to show you and the part the tired old 60’s women’s groups who are in bed with the Obama camp did not want you to hear about. This is 2008- let’s go Girls- we can be anything we want to be- Hillary is our Gal and so is Sarah- We will not be pigeon holed again.

They are pitting woman against woman- the guys are asking us - how can this be sexism- the female reporters are asking the questions - Bullshit - who are their bosses- you know those slick bastards hidding behind the woman’s skirts and holding the paychecks? And these female reporters who would sell out their mothers for a job - well there is more to that than just a paycheck but that is another story isn’t it?

For the rest of my rant a link to the video CBS didn't air click here:


Anonymous said...

Betty Jean thank you again! Sarah understands Women's Issues. Women's Issues are not just about abortion, they are about juggling a family while working, etc....

Anonymous said...

I also would like to thank Betty Jean for writing this article.

I am very disapointed in men and women who are holding high ranks in the DNC.They can't stand seeing other women (such as Hillary and Sarah)who are better than they are. It is disgusting.