Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Pupetteers

Just as with every other mad man before him - there are a cast of mad men characters pulling his strigs . Each as sinister and as ick as a man can be and they together form one sick and destructive leading man in Obama. Add to these those Preachers and God knows who else and we have a serious problem on our hands.
The Acorn connection to follow.

Nuff said one picture is worth a thousand words.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this article.

I was a democrat and I am terrified just to think that Mr. Obama may win the election. Mr. Obama and his rich leftist friends are going to destroy this great country.

John McCain must do a good job on the next debate.

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE here who wants McCain to WIN this election Needs to go to John McCain.com and sign up to make calls to Pennsylvania and whatever state where things are Close!!! We all need to do this NOW! I have sent numersous e-mails to the campaign COMPLAINING about how IMPOSSIBLE the site is to comment on and the Offensive Obamabot comments that are PERMITTED! AND NOT REMOVED! Again, Please EVEN if it is not easy to do get in a position of SUPPORT NOW! Or we will see him cheat, lie, and maneuer until he does to McCain what he did to Hillary! AND then we are REALLY stuck with him. Cheryl from Maryland