Dear Hillary Supporters,

We have heard you loud and clear! You are not voting for Obama.

Some of you have said that you are;
voting a third party, or
writing Hillary's name in, or
staying home on election day.

But many of you said that you're voting for McCain/Palin to clear the path for Hillary to run again in 2012.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sarah Palin Goes For the FEM/PUMA vote

- Goooooooooooooooooo Sarah!!!!

By Dave
Oct 22nd 2008 9:03AM
Filed Under:eBreaking News, 2008 President, Sarah Palin

CBS - From The Road

"And if I'm given the honor of serving you in the White House, I intend to advance that creed in our own nation and beyond because across the world, there are still places where women are subjugated and persecuted as they were in Afghanistan, places we're they're bullied and brutalized and murdered in honor killings, places where women are sold like commodities in the nightmare world of the sex trade, and places where baby girls are unwelcome as a matter of state policy and their mothers are forced to have abortions," Palin said.

"Now no one person, no one leader, can bring an end to all of those ills, to all of the injustices inflicting upon women, but I can promise you this, if I am elected, these women, too, will have an advocate and a defender in the 47th vice president of the United States."

"When it came time for choosing some how Barack Obama just couldn't bring himself to pick the woman who got 18 million votes in his primary and that seems to be too familiar a story isn't it?" she said. "How it is for so many American women that the qualifications are there, but for some reason the promotion never comes. There is always some long explanation for why they got passed over or some unseen barrier, some excuse and that's just one of the things I so admire about John McCain he is not someone who makes excuses."

"According to the Senate pay roll records women on his own staff get just 83 cents for every dollar that the men get," Palin said. "That's $9,000 less every year that he pays the guys.

"Does he think that the women aren't working as hard? Does he think that they are 17 percent less productive? And Barack Obama cant say that this is just the way that its always been done around the Capitol, because I know one senator who actually does pay equal wages for equal work, Sen. John McCain."

Boom. Ouch. Landed a blow.

One last note. Everyone, pundits, media, is harping on the reports that Palin's favorability is negative and sinking. What they seem to forget is that it is precisely the job of a VP to be the hatchetman, er, -person. This quite often has a negative impact on the VP's favorability ratings, for instance, Bob Dole in 1976 gained a rep that he didn't shake until after his disastrous run in 96. Sarah Palin has been on the attack for about three weeks now and coupled with a relentless media onslaught on everything from tanning beds to expense reports, it doesn't surprise me.

She was picked to rally and energize the base to give McCain a platform to win. She's done that to great effect. If in the process she becomes the bogeyman for the liberals, well that's all part of the game. If McCain wins, she did her job and if he loses, she goes back to governing Alaska where her deeds will speak much louder than 10,000 biased media articles.

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Anonymous said...

As I sat and read the Dems move on I'm starting to notice fewer and fewer comments.And I have this to say LADIES DON"T GIVE UP !! we can do this and defeat Obamination,but you gals have got be strong and "VOTE".

Anonymous said...

darrell, there are so many fronts we have to cover that sometimes we do not cover all things. But we are still out there. This PUMA will be attending a McCain rally in Sarasota today. There was a march across the bridge by Women for Obama this past Sunday and Obama supporters were crying that the HeraldTribune underestimated the number of the crowd. I am pressed for time but will help swell the numbers at the McCain rally since Obama supporters are saying a rally in Sarasota is a desperate move by McCain. We will show them. This former democrat is making sure my vote counts since I was denied my vote by my former party. I will be showing my support to the very end.

Anonymous said...

Please remember it does no good to write in Hillary's name or vote for a third party candidate. You have to vote for McCain to help Hillary! If Obama is elected there will be no presidental run in 1212. For Hillary to run again we have to elect McCain!

Anonymous said...

I felt so moved by Sarah Palin's speech about women's rights. I don't think I realized how hopeless and forgotten I have felt since O robbed and cheated Hillary. The gross attacks on Sarah have been surreal. I thought we had come a log way. That is sooo obviously not the case. The only thing good that may come of all this hatred is now we know and can do somethhing about it. I blame Obama for not speaking out to his base about the abusive disrespectful acts to women. He has set us back decades by allowing it. We must get McCain/Palin in!!! All of our rights are threatened.

Rockin Robin said...

I completely agree LuLu. If anything this Palin bashing is just re-inforcing that its acceptable to bash women publicly.